Office Lady & Logistic

Alessia is the image of Inti Rafting, solar and full of energy, will welcome you with her smile always ready for find out the best solution for your request.

Travel addict, ocean and dogs lover she spend her time between Italy and New Zealand


F.i.raft RAFTING Guide  &

Safety KAYAK

German, rafting guide and safety kayak with many years of experience. From Chile, in Italy since 2013 he follows the summer season between Aosta Valley and Cajon del Maipo (Chile) where he co-owns a successfull rafting center: Ruta Vertical.


F.i.raft RAFTING & HYDROSPEED "Maestro"

He approaches the river when he was a teenager for spend the summers.

He alternates university studies and work on the river until the graduation after which he began to travel, Chile and New Zealand, transforming his passion in a full time job.

In 2017 he joins to the team of trainers of  Italian Rafting Federation.



NTI Rafting is the realization of a recurring dream for Alessia, German and Lucio.
Thanks to the long work experience into the rafting world in Aosta Valley; return back from overseas; merging and sharing the project; for all of them the 2022 it is been the right year for the big change, for launch them self in this new adventure.

The SUN is life, heat and energy. 
Inti is the God of Sun in to the Inca religion,
it is been choose for tribute the passions that unit us: the River and the Sun. 

Inti Rafting is an amateur Sport Club, member of  Italian Rafting Federation, which it has at its goal dissemination and practice of rafting both level: amateur and competitive.
Professionalism and semplicity.
Two words that best represent us.
We search maximum professionalism in simplicity.
A genuine passion is
 like a mountain creek: 
does not admit obstacles,
cannot flows backwards; 
MUST go on.
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